Edit: Congrats to our winners!


We want to pay YOU to create some awesome content about Notional, so we’re following in the footsteps of other DAOs, like IndexCoop, to create an impression mining program - but we’re kicking things up a notch to start.

Here’s how we’re going to do things for this next blitz: For every 1k impressions your Tweet/tweet thread/Twitter meme, etc. about Notional gets, we’re going to pay you out $15 in NOTE.

But we know that if you don’t already have a huge following, it can be hard to rack up the impressions - that’s why we’re also going to give $250 in NOTE in addition to the $15 per 1k to the top 3 entries that we think best shine a light on how Notional works or why Notional/$NOTE is important for the DeFi ecosystem.

One of the critiques of Impression mining campaigns, is that they work only if you already have a large following or if you want to commit to a longer term project of content creation and narrative building. With this first week, everyone, no matter the size of the following can participate and have the potential to get fairly compensated.

It’s time to get creative and share your knowledge and passion for Notional with the wider Twitter community in whatever format you think will have the biggest impact.

Timeline: We’ll accept Tweet threads posted anytime starting Friday Jan 21, and you need to send us your Tweet analytics page no later than 11:59pm EST Feb 1, 2022. Here’s a few examples of what we’re looking for:

You could post a thread:


Or a one and done thesis tweet:


Or maybe just a clever, potentially viral meme that showcases a benefit that Notional provides:


If you’re interested in potentially getting involved on a longer-term basis, get in touch via Discord, and we’ll keep you and your submissions in mind if we do launch a full program.

Fine Print

We can’t wait to see what you come up with. Now for the (totally reasonable) rules and regulations: