Calling all the data analysts and data-curious Notional community members! Did you know that Notional has an easy-to-use, new historical data exporter? If you know Excel, you can export and analyze trends, interesting data points and other fixed rate metrics (without needing to learn Dune). Then share your findings in whichever format you prefer and earn $$$NOTE.

Blitz #6 winners will receive cash and the opportunity to sign on as a longer term data analysts that periodically posts interesting data points!

Check out this quick walkthrough video for some examples and how to use the tool!

Blitz Overview


Notional Dune dashboard

Notional Analytics dashboard

Notional historical data downloader

Notional Subgraph

Notional Resident Analyst Program

Blitz winners who submit excellent work in the blitz could be offered a resident analyst (3-month trial term) position. The analysis could expand to cover even more areas, such as: