Q4 market update: 550M in TVL, 244M in total loans - skewed to borrowing at the beginning and then more liquidity and more lending.
98% between USDC and DAI -Yield curves for USDC and DAI were inverted -Protocol continues to make money
For full market update details, see the infographics in the following tweet:
New LTV display - switched from collateral ratio (collateral/debts) to loan to value (debts/collateral), display liquidation prices for exchange rate risk, liquidiation interest rates for itnerest rate risk, simulation tool funded through our grants and shippooordao - info.notional.finance
There are a few new open bounties and lots more coming - cosponsored with aztec zk.money bounty that is already in the works. Private and cheaper transactions coming via aztec soon.
We would like to see someone build the DeFi rates data dashboard and NFT utility bounty - if you want more info or have an idea, reach out!
All NFTS (500) have been distributed - if you haven’t seen them reach out to Cameron on discord with your wallet address
NFT utility coming! - bring yours with you to ETHDenver - we will be doing something special for any holders who are at the live event.
Instadapp integration coming soon!
Product with Index coop - FIXED - Bond ETP - There is an active proposal here, and we hope to see a product soon.
L2 work has started - most likely deploying on polygon first