What are leveraged vaults:

Leveraged vaults are whitelisted smart contracts enabling DeFi users to borrow at a fixed rate from Notional then deposit those funds directly into vaults executing specific yield strategies.

The vault’s assets are held as liquidatable collateral against the user’s loan, allowing the user to borrow 2-20x their initial deposit depending on the vault. Leverage gives users concentrated exposure to yield and turbocharges their returns.

Leveraged vaults are a new product line from Notional. Each vault goes through extensive testing and auditing to lower risks while turbocharging returns.

Read the intro blog post here.

What strategies are we launching and when are they going live?

Only the wstETH/ETH strategy will be live during the initial capped beta launch.

How much capacity will there be during the beta period?

There will be an initial cap of 750-1000 ETH during the first week of beta launch (right now the first users are expected to go online by Monday, October 31.. It will be progressively increased as the beta period goes on over the rest of Q4.

How do I qualify to be able to use leveraged vaults during the beta?

Please use this sign up form and we will contact you as soon as capacity becomes available: https://forms.gle/xXYfwibtPyzf7wn59

What is the process to launch a new strategy?